Dream, awaken, dream, awaken, awaken, and yet it is all dream.
Life is but an illusion
A product of my perception, my collection of dreams
Let not your heart be troubled
Wherever you travel there will be wind and waves
Ebb and flow the moon and sun have its own phase
If I don't wander how could I ever be found?
Reach for the divine, my higher-self remised
Reach for the light, in which darkness doesn't exist
It is desire that take us on the path we travel
It is fate that bring us together on the cross-road
It is love that keep you close to my heart
What is more important than seeing with my eyes?
Seeing into my own heart, although the song in the heart is silent
The art of love, the ability to express, the gift beyond gift
To feel you without seeing you, to love you without having you
All rivers continue to flow to the ocean, cosmic consciousness
receives them all
Only a cloud, knows the feeling of a cloud...
An Illusion? "The world is an exercise-book, the pages on which you do your sums.
It is not reality, although you can express reality there if you wish.
You are also free to write nonsense, or lies, or to tear the pages."
After all, in the end, it's your book.
I wish it's true... That I am only responsible for myself, my own book. Everything we do impact another, directly or indirectly. Every songs we sing someone will have to listen to it. We are all interlinked as part of the universe. I don't take my actions lightly since I am cautious of the effect it will have on others, the butterfly effects... One side step, one move, one turn and your reality altered forever
But you can't live your life for the approval of others. Guilt is only a measure of the honesty of your selfishness. You should listen to your conscience, but those others - they have their own choices to make. They don't have to listen, approve, or even acknowledge your existence. So you cannot affect them unless they choose to let you affect them.
You should be honest with others, but to exist in any meaningful way you must first be true to yourself.
So not Eros after all.
Aphrodite? I know you...
Wikipedia is your authority on Eros, and so on LOVE?
I think not. Greek ideals and standards of love are not really my cup of tea. Where "did you bring the lubricant" counts as a romantic exchange. That's a whole different aisle in the supermarket. One where I don't shop.
Love is the canvas for painting dreams of your heart. Love cannot be fulfilled without being shared with another (even among Greeks).
Shall I show you my paintings of you? I'm sorry - not now. Not a one is yet complete. You'll have to wait a while to see yourself through me. Those are the dreams my heart is painting.
If we were lovers, would this count as a lover's spat, VM?
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