In the matters of the heart, trust comes in many folds
I don’t need to know where your heart has been;
I want to know where your heart is now
It doesn’t matter you were a fool yesterday, I only need
to know if you have learn the lessons today
I don’t ask questions because life should be unfold
not force
Because what I feel, see will surpass what you will tell me
And maybe my senses will lead me astray, I will be humbled
again by another lesson life has afford me.
I trust my heart and my inner voice
It recognizes greatness and never failed to
report in the past. It also warns me of illusions
offers doses of reality when I am ready to receive.
I don’t tell you much because the past
but a blur of the lessons I have had
And everything you want to know, to learn about me
will come in due time.
When I am ready when you are ready
Like the beautiful daffodils maybe life and love need the dormant period gathering strength to grow
And maybe in the way life unfold; we can both learn something about each other
To trust what our heart tell us and not fear what it will do to us
If we can embrace life experience whole-heartedly
Maybe we will learn for the first time
The lesson of love
How to love? Easy enough.
How to be loved - more challenging.
Falling together in love?
Like ripples from two stones crossing a glassy pond. Together, the low troughs of doubt/vulnerability accentuate the heights of, what? Oneness - when the ripples combine and grow? Being one with another being.
Patiently, the ripples turn into waves.
The ripples of his embrace. The passion of his kisses. The beat of his heart. Never feel this way before... Completely blank.
Beautiful - no wonder you hunger so...
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