Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Have I ever loved someone, in their true creation; flaws and all
Have I ever understood the word unconditioned; practice and preach
Have I ever imagined someday the world will bring me to my knees; grateful and humble
My heart was broken and it made me stronger, softer
My soul is awake and feeling pain, good pain
Consequences, heartache, and responsibilities
Your love, your flaws, my love, my flaws; the teaching of an important lesson
The lesson of compassion, love, acceptance, and forgiveness
With my eyes wide open
I see you, all of you, not just an illusion of you
And you see me, all of me not just an illusion of myself
The veil is lifting and I see clearly for the first time
The lesson of love, of true heart, of compassion
Not only for others, but also for myself


Anonymous said...

I have gone nearly a month with no new Silent Thoughts.

My vessel is nearly empty.

Unknown said...

...what a wonderful blog. I was playing online chess when my lover from NYC stated something aobut thinking silent thoughts. Of course knowledge is tacit unless expressed. So, I google silent thought expecting a wikipedia article full of profound original ideas. Instead I found these wonderful gentle expressions of peace and love. Thank you.

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